How to Use OAS


1. Go to

2. Select the OAS List at the bottom right corner.
The OAS list page looks like the following:

3. Select an "available" OAS, e.g. OAS 006:

It contains:
  • OAS Link
  • OAS Report Link
  • Number of Users
  • Days left before being erased: The report will be automatically erased after 7 days so that it can be reused by others.

4. Select the OAS Link

5. Fill out the OAS sheet to input your answers. 
    Part 1:

  • Name: teachers may want to add the class name as well. 
  • e-mail: the result/score will be sent to this e-mail. 
  • ID number: It helps you to identify your students correctly in case there are some students have the same names.

  • Hit the NEXT button when done.

Part 2: Answer Sheet. There are 50 items (maximum) and 5 choices: A, B, C, D, and E. You don't have to use all of them. You may only have 10 answers and 4 choices (A-D). Leave the rest/unused blank.

  • Hit the SUBMIT button when done.

  1. The full documentation of the OAS Report is discussed here.

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