OAS Report

  1. STEPS:
  • Go to the OAS List/Select the OAS that you are using (e.g. OAS 006).

  • Select the OAS Report Link:

After an Online Answer Sheet (OAS) is submitted, it will automatically generate two kinds of the report: (1) by e-mail and (2)  online OAS Report.

  1. by e-mail
        The OAS report sent via e-mails are just a brief summary report and the number of e-mails that can be sent per-day is limited by Google (the free account); therefore you may not get an e-mail report! You can see the number of the daily remaining emails at the bottom of the OAS List.
    1. A teacher, the first person submitting the OAS, who has 5 items, for example, will  get an e-mail report that looks like the following:
    2.          Thank you for using  https://onlineanswersheet.blogspot.com/
               Name                : Anna
               Total Questions : 5
               Correct Answers: 5
               Wrong Answers : 0
               GREAT! You did not make any mistake!.
               Score                 : 100

               Note for teachers only: You have 7 days to use the OAS Report. After 7  
                  days, it will be automatically erased!
               Use 'File/Download as' (in the OAS Report file) to save it in your own  
                  computer if you want to keep it!

    3. A student report sent by e-mail may look like:
                       Thank you for using  https://onlineanswersheet.blogspot.com/
                       Name                : John
                       Total Questions : 5
                       Correct Answers: 3
                       Wrong Answers : 2
                       Wrong in no      : 2, 5
                       Score                 : 60

                      Note for teachers only: You have 7 days to use the OAS Report. After 7  
                          days, it will be automatically erased!
                      Use 'File/Download as' (in the OAS Report file) to save it in your own  
                          computer if you want to keep it!

         2. Online OAS Report

      The link of the OAS Report is in Column B of the OAS List. As pointed out in the e-mail above, the online OAS Report will be automatically erased after 7 days so that the OAS can be reused by others. It can be downloaded to be saved in your own computer.

      The online OAS Report consists of 8 pages as shown at the bottom of the OAS Report:
      1. Results
      2. Scores
      3. Scores by Name
      4. Scores by ID
      5. Scores by Lowest
      6. Statistics
      7. Histogram
      8. Item Analysis

      • Page 1 (Results) contains some notes that explain why some numbers are highlighted (pink). The color gives warning to the teacher that some students or items may need special attention because they are low scores (less than 60%) or bad items (e.g. too easy/difficult). Click the picture below to see an example.

      OAS Report: Page 1

      • Page 2-4 show the scores of the students. The names of the students are hidden, but they can be revealed. The scores in page 2 (Scores) are ordered based on the the Timestamp (i.e. early submissions are at the top, later submissions are at the bottom). In page 3, the scores are sorted by the names of the students, page 4 by the ID of the students, and page 5 by the lowest scores.
      • In page 2 (scores), the first three columns show the ID number of the students, their number of correct answers, and scores (%). The rest of the columns show which items were answered correctly (1) and incorrectly (0). The other scores (page 3 & 4) do not include these details. Click the picture below to see an example.
      Page 2: Scores

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